OMG it’s a GMO

Hello, Healthy!

OMG, it’s a GMO! Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs, are a highly debated item in the nutrition world and there are plenty of opinions available. It’s a hard subject to tackle but I think it’s important to talk about it. Regardless of whether you think they’re fine or not, they are affecting the food we eat because they have become so widely used in so many different foods. 

The idea behind GMOs was brilliant. They wanted to create crops that would survive and thrive. Better crops mean better outcomes and better income for farmers, as well as a more plentiful food supply. Food supply is especially important in countries where food insecurity is a widespread problem. I applaud their reasoning and understand the excitement and good intentions. However, the end result became heavier use of weed killers and insecticides, and food that behaves differently in the human body than the conventional counterpart. Studies are showing a link between these GMO foods and food allergies, liver problems, and reproductive problems. On the other hand, GMOs are still considered safe by the FDA. They state that these foods meet the same safety standard as foods derived from conventionally grown plants. They liken this biotechnology to the cross breeding that has been done in farming for thousands of years, both intentionally and unintentionally. 

In my personal opinion, I think GMOs should be avoided as much as possible. You will end up eating plenty of GMO derived foods in the course of a normal life. To keep the intake of GMO foods at a more moderate level, I think it’s a good idea to buy primarily foods that are GMO free for your home. Non GMO labelling has made this a much easier job! Just look for the Non GMO label on foods you buy in a package. Produce is also typically labeled, or you can choose the organic option to be sure it’s not a GMO product.  

-Amy Denker, MS, RD, LD

More about me:

I attended Oklahoma State University and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nutrition and Exercise. I went on to earn a Master’s of Science degree in Dietetics and Nutrition and completed the Dietetic Internship Program at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City.

I was the Nutrition Services Clinical Coordinator at Crittenton Children’s Center for over 5 years before changing my focus to raising my family. I am excited to now be involved with a company that is focused on providing healthy options for customers as well as providing education and resources for customers to make informed decisions for themselves and their loved ones!